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Address: Industrial Development Zone, Stool Head Village, Xianjing Township, Zhuzhou County, Hunan Province

A bird's eye view of the water world of Longquan people in Xichang, Sichuan

A bird's eye view of the water world of Longquan people in Xichang, Sichuan

Longquan Renjia Water Park Scenic Area is characterized by overlooking the water scenery in the ecological park and opening up water telecontrol. It is planned to take plants and water scenery as important landscape elements, supplemented by hard pavement and landscape architecture, and embellished with theme sculpture, rockery and construction of Bodhi Island, highlighting the modern, open and original ecological characteristics of the water park scenic area. At the same time, pay attention to the spatial design of water sports places, through the combination of dynamic and static, provide water games and communication space with different functions; Through the combination of far and near, provide tourists with water near, hydrophilic and water recreation areas, which are divided into: (vacuum wave-making area, slide area, children's parent-child area, beach area) and other different waterfront leisure methods. Through the combination of soft and hard, different waterfront landscapes are created.


Longquan Renjia Water Park Scenic Area is characterized by overlooking the water scenery in the ecological park and opening up water telecontrol. It is planned to take plants and water scenery as important landscape elements, supplemented by hard pavement and landscape architecture, and embellished with theme sculpture, rockery and construction of Bodhi Island, highlighting the modern, open and original ecological characteristics of the water park scenic area. At the same time, pay attention to the spatial design of water sports places, through the combination of dynamic and static, provide water games and communication space with different functions; Through the combination of far and near, provide tourists with water near, hydrophilic and water recreation areas, which are divided into: (vacuum wave-making area, slide area, children's parent-child area, beach area) and other different waterfront leisure methods. Through the combination of soft and hard, different waterfront landscapes are created.