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Address: Industrial Development Zone, Stool Head Village, Xianjing Township, Zhuzhou County, Hunan Province

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1. Accurate positioning. The overall creativity and design is the first and most critical step in the construction of the water park. This stage determines the development direction and theme orientation of the water park. You Water Park has a suitable theme story line in the theme creativity, all designs are in line with the theme, and the setting of the building area and functional layout should fully consider the market demand. 2. Site selection research. A very important part of the water park is the location. Local selection has a higher chance of success. The nature of the water park land must be the land for tourism development and construction. Other nature of land to develop, only the relevant government departments to adjust the planning, change the nature of the land, can consider investment and construction. In addition, the tourist attractions where the water park is located should have a large number of tourist flow bases, and the influence of summer climate and temperature should also be considered.

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The hot summer has arrived, and the children's water park has become a choice for many parents to go out with their children to play. Children's water parks, large and small, are all over the country, but we should pay attention to some safety issues while having fun:

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1. When entering the place, you must carefully read the safety precautions, especially the water amusement facilities that require height, age, weight and physical health. You must determine whether you can play according to your own situation; follow the arrangement of the staff and wear life jackets. 2. Before playing, understand the depth of each pool, do what you can, and do not run. Diving and diving are strictly prohibited to avoid slipping, falling and bruising. 3. When participating in water entertainment cruise activities, you are not allowed to leave the boat and go into the water without permission on the way; even if you swim, you should follow the guidelines of the staff, swim on the calm water, and do not act alone away from the hull. 4. When playing on the slide, reverse crawling is strictly prohibited. Two people on the same slide are strictly prohibited to slide at the same time or immediately before and after. It is strictly prohibited to extend hands and feet out of the slide when sliding. It is strictly prohibited to loosen the handle of the slide or change the sliding posture to avoid accidents. 5. It is strictly prohibited to stay and play at the backwater mouth and suction mouth, and beware of drowning accidents. 6. In case of strong wind, thunderstorm, lightning, thunder and other weather, you should go indoors as soon as possible to avoid drowning accidents.

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In the hot summer, there is nothing like playing in the water park to bring people more cool and happy. However, a successful water park is not accidental, it requires careful planning, careful design, but also some essential water amusement equipment. So, what water amusement equipment is generally needed to open a water park?

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After the Spring Festival, the temperature is getting warmer, and the operating season of the mobile water park is coming. As a professional manufacturer of mobile water parks, Zhengzhou Wolong Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. has continuously received consultation calls from water park investors since it started construction in 2018. What equipment should be chosen for investment in mobile water parks?

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The equipment generally introduced into the mobile water park are: slide equipment, pool equipment, clearance equipment, theme park, water floating toys, supporting facilities, markers, rest area facilities, etc., which can be selected according to the specific size.
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