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What are the key points of investment planning for small and medium-sized water parks

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As an important place for modern leisure and entertainment, small and medium-sized water parks are loved by consumers. In the process of investment planning, we must fully consider the market demand, project positioning, economic benefits and other factors. The following are the key points of investment planning for small and medium-sized water parks.

I. Market Research

Market demand analysis: understand the local population structure, consumption level, competitive situation, etc., and analyze the needs of potential customers.
Target customer positioning: clear target customer groups, such as family, parent-child, young people, etc.
Competitive analysis: analyze the strengths and weaknesses of competitors in the same industry and determine their own market positioning.

II. Site Selection Planning

Geographical location: Choose an area with convenient transportation and large flow of people.
Surrounding environment: consider the surrounding facilities such as residential, shopping malls, scenic spots, etc., to facilitate the attraction of customers.
Land conditions: ensure that the land is leveled and well-drained to facilitate the construction of subsequent facilities.

3. Facility Planning

Water amusement facilities: according to the results of market research, select the appropriate water amusement items, such as slides, swimming pools, wave pools, etc.
Supporting facilities: layout and construction of rest area, dining area, dressing room, toilet and other facilities.
Safety facilities: to ensure that life-saving equipment, monitoring equipment, etc., to ensure the safety of tourists.

IV. Investment budget and financing

Investment budget: according to the site selection, facilities construction and other needs, to develop a detailed investment budget.
Financing: Determine the source of funds, such as own funds, loans, cooperation, etc.

5. Operations and Management

Operation management team: set up a professional management team, responsible for the daily operation of the park.
Marketing strategy: develop effective marketing strategies to improve the visibility and market share of the park.
Risk management: develop risk response plans to deal with possible risks.

VI. Return forecasting and risk assessment

Return forecast: forecast the park's traffic and revenue based on market research and facility planning.
Risk assessment: a comprehensive assessment of investment risk, including market risk, operational risk, etc.

VII. Sustainable Development and Innovation

Constantly update facilities: According to market demand, regularly update water amusement facilities to maintain the competitiveness of the park.
Expand business: consider cooperation with other industries, such as catering, accommodation, tourism, etc., to increase revenue sources.
Innovative management: the introduction of new technologies, new ways to improve the attractiveness of the park.

In short, small and medium-sized water park investment planning needs to consider market demand, site selection, facility planning and other factors. Only by making adequate planning and preparation can we ensure the long-term stable development of the park.