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Summer to the water park must see the note!

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With the arrival of summer, water park has become a good place for people to play. Whether it is a family outing or a gathering of friends, the water park can bring us a happy time. However, in order to ensure that our play process is safe and enjoyable, it is particularly important to understand some precautions. The following will give you a detailed introduction to the water park need to pay attention to all aspects.

Weather Forecast and Carrying Items

Before going to the water park, be sure to check the weather forecast for the day to avoid bad weather.
2. Carry swimsuits, swimming trunks, bath towels and other necessities to ensure comfort when playing.
3. Bring sunscreen, sun hat and sunglasses to prevent UV damage.
4. If possible, carry a waterproof phone bag to use your phone safely at the water's edge.

II. Safety Precautions

1. Comply with the regulations of the water park, especially on the amusement facilities, to ensure the safety of oneself and others.
2. In the process of playing, be sure to keep your attention focused to avoid accidents.
3. Follow the warning signs and staff instructions to ensure safety during play.
4. Pay attention to the current and depth of water, especially in the deep water area. If you can't swim, please play in the shallow water area.

III Health and Hygiene

1. Before playing, make sure you are in good health. If you feel unwell, please consult your doctor before deciding whether to play.
2. In the process of playing, pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid sharing personal belongings, and reduce the risk of disease transmission.
Take a shower before entering the water park, and rinse your body regularly during the play to keep the water clean.
4. Pay attention to the water quality in the pool and choose the area with better water quality to play.

Four, the choice of amusement facilities and play

When choosing amusement facilities, choose according to your age, height and physical condition to avoid risky behavior.
2. During the play, operate in accordance with the instructions of the facilities and the guidelines of the staff to ensure the safety of the play.
3. Popular facilities such as slides and wave pools are crowded. In order to maintain order and civilized play, please respect queuing and do not spit everywhere.

VI. Emergency Response and Assistance

1. In the process of playing, if you encounter an emergency, such as drowning, sudden illness, etc., please ask the staff for help immediately.
Water parks are usually equipped with first-aid stations and medical facilities to ensure timely treatment in emergency situations.
3. Remember the emergency contact number of the water park so that you can contact it in time when necessary.

V. Other Precautions

1. Save physical strength, reasonable arrangement of play time, avoid excessive fatigue.
2. Take good care of personal belongings, especially valuables, to avoid loss.
3. Pay attention to food hygiene, carry healthy food, and avoid ingesting unclean food during play.
4. Respect others, abide by the regulations of the park, play in a civilized way, and jointly create a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere.

VIII. Conclusion

By observing the above precautions, we can spend a safe and pleasant summer in the water park. Let us enjoy the fun of the water park at the same time, but also to ensure the safety of themselves and others. I hope these notes can help you better enjoy the good time of the water park.

Summer is the most lively season of the water park, whether it is a family outing or a gathering of friends, the water park is an ideal place for leisure. However, in order to ensure your safety and health, it is necessary to understand the following precautions before going to the water park.

I. Preparations

1. Check the weather forecast: Choose sunny weather to go to the water park and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun in hot and humid weather to prevent heatstroke.

2. Carry essentials: Bring swimsuits, swimming trunks, bath towels, sunscreen and other essentials. At the same time, don't forget to bring enough drinking water and snacks to replenish the body's water and energy.

II. Safety Precautions

1. Compliance: Before entering the water park, please carefully read and comply with the provisions of the park. For example, restrictions on height, health, etc. to ensure your safety and the safety of others.

Observe safety warning signs: In the water park, please follow the instructions of various safety warning signs. These signs can help you understand which areas are appropriate for your skill level and avoid potential hazards.

Third, health considerations

Pay attention to personal hygiene: When playing in the water park, it is very important to maintain personal hygiene. Try to avoid contamination of items in contact with the skin, such as towels, swimsuits, etc.

Avoid swallowing pool water: Although the water park has been disinfected, but in order to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort, please try to avoid swallowing pool water.

Four, sun protection measures

Sun protection is an important step in protecting your skin in the summer. When playing in the water park, please use sunscreen and try to avoid periods of strong sunlight. At the same time, wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect the head and eyes from ultraviolet rays.

5. reasonable arrangement of time

In the hot summer, the human body is easily tired. When playing in the water park, please arrange your time reasonably and rest properly to avoid physical exhaustion caused by soaking in the water for a long time or excessive play.

In short, while enjoying the fun of the water park, safety and health are equally important. Follow the above precautions to ensure you have a pleasant and safe summer! Finally, I would like to remind you to choose a reputable water park to ensure the quality experience of various facilities and services.